Colors have an enormous part to play when it comes to conjuring emotions. That said you can’t just cherry-pick any color for your brand. The choice has to be grounded on your business values and attributes. The human mind is habituated to respond to color. Colors and their considerate combinations mixture emotions and tell a story. Red, for instance, is evidently hot since it is occupied of fire. It is connected with energy, love, desire, power, and passion
Though the use of color in branding is not a different concept, technology and the modification to a digital world is giving products more planned and complex ways to better connect with consumers and create reliable brand personalities through color. Below are 3 ways color is playing a role in today’s brand environment:
How Does Color Affect Branding?
Have you ever gambled what goes on overdue the making of a brand or logo? One of the greatest important factors that companies and marketers deliberate while determining their brand is the color combo. Yes, color is such a powerful tool in designing a company’s brand name and logo. It can mark a brand in both positive and negative ways according to how you use it.
Colors have the authority to guidance customer’s emotions and perceptions towards a product or brand. Data shows that 73% of purchase decisions are made in-store, and color and aesthetics play a major role.
The awareness of colors can also differ according to gender, age, personality, income, and various other factors. So how do companies choose a brand color to accommodate their target market segment? For the most part, firms decide on their colors based on what they want their brand to be supposed to.
Choosing a color for your brand can align with your official character. Is your brand’s charm is sophisticated or funky? Serious or humorous? Your tone of voice and personality are important to build how customers view your brand, and the colors you choose can play up that personality. For instance, the color red is known to represent extroversion, confidence, and energy.
The brand color goes beyond so much more than just the logo color. While Tiffany blue is one of the world’s most recognized brand colors, their logo is actually a serif type of their name in black. A brand’s color should represent the character and personality of a company as a whole.
Choosing the colors that will represent your brand should go far beyond the personal preferences of the management. Choosing these colors should be a strategic process based on what you want your customers to feel towards your brand. When coloring your brand, it is okay to let emotions guide your decisions, as your brand should represent what your customer’s sensation about you.
Color is an actual tool for branding, but don’t forget the other tools that should be supportive of your color. Name, signs, descriptions and graphic fundamentals all play into your brand personality. Coca-Cola is identified well known for its classic red color, which can be recognized on tables and stores everywhere, but they are also branded for their different typography, their exclusive bottle shape, and their glacial bear mascot. Along with the red color, customers also classify with these origins.
Color plays an enormous role in brand development and qualities. Educations have discovered that our brains prefer familiar brands, which means the color is tremendously important when making a uniqueness. What are some of the most identifiable brands and their colors that you can think of? John Deere green, Coca-Cola red, UPS brown. We would love to help you incorporate color into your branding and marketing to help create your unique identity.
The image, mood, and feeling created by your brand can encourage your consumers to a great extent. You will have to make sure the colors that you indicate match your brand’s favorite character perfectly. So, have you made your choice of the color of the packaging for your product? What about your logo color? Do you think it matches your brand’s character? What colors do you desire to custom on the website of your new product business? Make definite you do your homework before subsequent your instincts.